4 Must Know Lifestyle Habits People in Sales Should Adopt!

Lifestyle habits are important to a salesperson’s success.

Sales reps should be mindful of these 4 lifestyle habits that they must have and if they align with those of their successful counterparts.

But they must make the effort to adopt these habits.

Watch this video to find out how you can adopt these must know lifestyle habits to further boost your sales!

Best Practices For 2021: Why Your Video Ads Do Not Convert?

So, you have invested heavily in video marketing, and you are expecting to see business-changing results. But in reality, you are struggling to see high engagement and convert leads. What is the reason behind this? Why are your video ads not performing well?

Looking for even more social media marketing tips? Check out this link: https://www.thenextlvl.co/p/how-to-transform-from-social-media-noob-to-social-media-pro-instantly

Why I Stopped Overplanning

For the longest time, I thought that the more time I spent planning and the more well-prepared I was, the more successful I would be. And while this makes sense in theory, there is one fatal flaw in this line of thought. So what is this flaw? Watch the video to find out!

Want to learn more about business tips?
Check out my website at https://www.thenextlvl.co/p/how-to-transform-from-social-media-noob-to-social-media-pro-instantly

7 Must Know Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople

To achieve long-term success in sales means that you need to develop good habits that make you more productive.

We all know that it takes more than one call, one letter, or one email to connect with decision makers.

Here are seven sales habits that will help you improve your results.

7 Tips For Creating Video Content That Converts | Fast & Easy

Video is a powerful content medium for storytelling. It can have a big impact on the success of your promotional campaigns and content marketing efforts.

Check out this video and I hope you find our video marketing tips useful. Is video a part of your marketing strategy? Do you have any tips for creating video content?

Let me know in the comments and I’d be thrilled to join the conversation.

Looking for even more social media marketing tips? Check out this link: https://www.thenextlvl.co/p/how-to-transform-from-social-media-noob-to-social-media-pro-instantly

Listening To The Wrong Advice Can Lead to Failure. Here’s Why.

Taking advice from the wrong people can be a train wreck ready to happen. You will attract unsolicited advice at every level of growth. So then how do we filter what advice we should heed and ignore? Stay tune and watch the video as I share with you the importance of heeding the correct advice and how to do so!

Want to learn more about business tips?
Check out my website at https://www.thenextlvl.co/p/how-to-transform-from-social-media-noob-to-social-media-pro-instantly

Pointers for Breaking the Ice with New Customers

Breaking the ice is not just meeting and greeting a customer;

the goal is to make a true connection.

Real conversations are built on the exchange of ideas.

Find out what makes breaking the ice so important when engaging with a potential prospect by watching this video now!

3 Way To Drastically Improve Your Headline Writing!

A great headline gets your audience to stop, read and share your content. In order to write a captivating headline, you need to put yourself in the average person’s shoe. Always take a step back and think, would this headline “hook” me in to read more into the information. In this video, I provide examples of headlines that are great and the ones that are not. In addition, I included 3 simple tricks you can do to create catchy headlines!

Looking for even more social media marketing tips? Check out this link: https://www.thenextlvl.co/p/how-to-transform-from-social-media-noob-to-social-media-pro-instantly

Beware of This Force

There is a mysterious force that had affected many people’s jobs, health and their overall productivity. For many people, procrastination is a strong and mysterious force that keeps them from completing the most urgent and important tasks in their lives. Watch the video to find out more on how to counter and what other effects proccrastination brings.

Want to learn more about business tips?
Check out my website at https://www.thenextlvl.co/p/how-to-transform-from-social-media-noob-to-social-media-pro-instantly

3 Key Reasons On Why Persistence Is So Important In Sales Closings!

The dream for every sales person is to find the perfect prospect, make the best connection and close the biggest deal as quickly as possible

However, we all know that the reality of sales is far different

Watch this video to find out why persistence is so important in closing a sales!